Surrey Hills

Hearing Clinic in Surrey Hills

Hearing loss is something that affects more people in Australia than you might realise, with 1 in 6 of us experiencing a loss of hearing to some degree (mild to profound). With apparently 37% of hearing loss cases reportedly a result of repeated exposure to loud noises, whether through lifestyle choices or work, it’s little surprise that more locals are seeking assistance from their nearest hearing clinic. Acute Hearing Solutions in Surrey Hills can provide a wide range of hearing solutions to help you continue communicating effectively. Make an appointment with our audiologist to get a hearing test in Surrey Hills.

Discover How We Can Help You

When you visit Acute Hearing Solutions, you’ll be able to take advantage of a vast selection of services available at our Surrey Hills hearing clinic. Among these services are:

  • Audiologist administered hearing tests for people of any age
  • Services for pensioners and veterans
  • Workplace management
  • Tinnitus management
  • And more

We also offer a selection of hearing solutions for ongoing use, including hearing aids that use the latest technology for crystal-clear hearing.

Book a Hearing Test in Surrey Hills Today

If you suspect your hearing is beginning to deteriorate, book an appointment at our Surrey Hills clinic for a comprehensive hearing test. We’re located on Union Rd; call us on (03) 9890 2005 or (03) 9890 2105 to get in touch. Alternatively, you can also contact us online or email